The General Lee is or it may be one of America’s most unmistakable vehicles from motion that we all love and today, we are looking at this funny version of this vehicle that may very well take your breath away.
Rather than a customary old Dodge Charger from 1969, this clever and funny car breathes new life into the General Lee with something that is totally new to the first motion picture vehicle.
Actually, this thundering monster rockets down the track with the speed of a six point twenty seven seconds quarter mile, coming to amazing speed of 237 miles per hour. Look at this cool feature beneath to see what could be probably fastest General Lee ever constructed in real life for now. Better strap on tight on your safety belt before you watch this because this is one crazy ride!
This is Outlaw Nitro Funny Car show where this all happened and it has huge number of fans at Sidney track and you can watch how New South Wales racer named Daniel Schultz is wheeling on board of this Supa Charger who got so many fans. Video was uploaded on Fast Performance Video channel and it has more than twenty seven thousand views so far. It has only one dislike, and this could be from opponent on this dragway.
We don’t know how many horsepower is under this hood exactly, but if you do, please share with us in comments area below. This is the general we all love to watch from time to time, and know you have a chance to watch it on dragway in Sidney, Australia.
Share this amazing video with all your friends, especially if they love General Lee. Do you personally love General Lee? Write down in comments section below if you have something to express about this subject.